Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ovaldi initialize error

When auditing systems that run a Microsoft operating system, I use Ovaldi to find patch management issues.  (I understand it will run on *nix-based systems, but I've never tried it.)  I have it scripted out in a large script that performs other host-based scanning and configuration gathering.  Very occasionally, I'll see in my results directory that Oval did not run for a particular server.  (Typically, it is servers where I find missing results.  Rarely, I see the problem on workstations.) 

Today, I was looking through Oval documentation when I came across the following at

Also, on some Windows systems, the OVAL Interpreter may fail with the following error message when executed.

“The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002). Click OK to terminate the application.”

This error message occurs when the run-time components of Visual Studio, that are required to run an application developed with Visual Studio, are not installed. If you receive this error message while executing the OVAL Interpreter, please install the VC++ redistributable package that can be obtained at the following link.

The VC++ redistributable package will install the required run-time components.

As a third-party auditor, I do not add the VC++ redistributable package as I do not want to introduce potentially new vulnerabilities to the system.  And, I do not want to break anything else.

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