Tuesday, April 24, 2012

DFIROnline Meetups

I know that this is a little late, I've been a little busy and life has gotten a little hectic. However, I want to thank Mike for hosting the DFIROnline meetup on Thursday.  I've known about the meet-ups, last Thursday was the first time I was able to attend.  The community is warm and welcoming, and both topics were well presented.  I learned a lot.  Girl Unallocated's talk on CCleaner was great to hear, and I learned more about looking for CCleaner artifacts when analyzing a system.  And Kevin's presentation on data recovery was simply amazing.  I wish I had a lab like that.  Holy Cow.  I had to wipe the drool up a couple of times.

Mike has the schedule posted here

I certainly plan to attend the next meeting.  And who knows...somewhere down the line I would give a presentation.  Just don't hold your breath, it will be a while.

Now, if I would only get on Twitter, I could probably engage in the chat box more.

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