Monday, March 18, 2013

I wish Google Reader wasn't going away

I'm an avid Google Reader user, I like how the interface is easy to navigate and get right to new posts.  I'm not too social with my posts, I'm not "liking" them, sharing them, or starring them.  Losing that functionality in the past did not bother me.  So, I was not pleased to hear the other day that Google Reader is going away.  I'm looking into alternatives.

Feedly, right now, is my top choice for a replacement.  I especially like that there is an Android application and they are trying to stay close to the Google Reader format.

NewsBlur looks promising too.  However, I was not really looking to pay for usage.  However, $1 a month is not going to break the bank.

The Old Reader is another company that looks promising.  Also, it is another company in the Google Reader vein.

NetVibes looks interesting, but as of yet, I do not see a mobile application yet.

I've tried Pulse, but I think I saw that you can only have 20 feeds in the feedreader portion of the application.  It was visually stunning, but I have way more than 20 feeds that I follow.

There are some other readers listed in a great Gizmodo post.  As I look at other applications, I'll update this post.

I saw a petition that had over 100,000 signatures.  I'm not sure what kind of good that will do.  My wish is that Google would leave the code as is, and just make the nominal, important security patches.

FWIW, my requirements are for a simple reader, I do not need the flashy magazine look.  I would prefer an Android app, so I can peruse articles in my spare time and not be tied to the computer.  I do not need the ability to share/broadcast/like etc., stories.  And, any application where I can port over my feeds would be a plus.  Yes, I know Google has the Google Takeout service, but not every application makes perfect use of it.

Edit 3/19/2013:  Two other readers I have discovered but have not researched:


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